Organic Breast Massage Oil - 100ml


Handmade in small batches, this all natural boobie ‘ssage oil is specially formulated to be incredible for breast health!

How does this work?

The botanicals I include in this formula help prevent and reverse cysts, rejuvenate cells, increase immune-cell activity, break down fibrous tissue build ups, increase lymphatic drainage, suppress tumour formation and detoxify the tissues of cancer-causing chemicals and excess hormones.

Using this breast oil in combination with self breast massage encourages tissues to release stored excess oestrogen, move debris away from the spaces between cells, and return lymph fluid to the bloodstream to be eliminated safely.

Over time, massaging breasts also enhances the elasticity of the ligaments in the chest, providing improved breast support and tone.

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Organic Ingredients: -       

Sweet almond oil, Raspberry seed oil, Black seed oil, Iodine

Essential oils of: geranium, ylang ylang, orange, lemongrass, clary sage, blue Australian cypress, fennel, cinnamon, thyme, black pepper, grapefruit, lemon, frankincense, honey myrtle, peppermint, chamomile, calendula, yarrow and carrot seed. Plus some hand harvested dried rose petals to make it extra spesh!